The Arc of Practice | Koshin Paley Ellison

“Maintaining the sangha and showing up to serve the Buddhadharma is something beyond us, beyond ‘me’.”


Sensei Koshin delivers a dharma talk on perseverance and dedication to practice. He shares the story of Parsha, the 10th ancestor of Shakyamuni Buddha and a venerable monk born at the ripe age of 60 years old. With commitment and equanimity, he faced the doubting voices that presented themselves and vowed not to rest until he had accomplished attainment.

Poem Referenced: Uttara, Therigatha (Poems of the First Buddhist Nuns)


ZenTalk Notes:

Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison, MFA, LMSW, DMIN, is an author, Zen teacher, Jungian psychotherapist, and Certified Chaplaincy Educator. Koshin co-founded the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care.






Upcoming Programs:

Beginner’s Mind: Winter Sesshin (Silent Retreat)—(Jan 12th-16th) In-person only. Start the new year in community with us for Winter Sesshin at The Garrison Institute. Learn more here!
Commit to Sit: How to Cook Your Life (90 Day Practice Period)—(Starts Jan 12th) Join Zen teachers from across the United States and Japan for an in-depth, 90-day exploration of Zen practice guided by our study text, How to Cook Your Life. Learn more here!
Upcoming Courses:
Evolution of the Feminine: Historical Representations and Their Meanings Today 
with Leslye Noyes (Starts January) Learn more here!
You Are The Eyes of The World: Embodying the Principles of the Lotus Sutra in a Challenging World with Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison (Starts January) Learn more here!


Music: Heart Sutra by Kanho Yakushiji –  Buddhist priest and musician of the Rinzai sect and Imaji temple in Imabari, Japan. In 2003, he formed “KISSAQUO”, a songwriting duo based in Kyoto.


New York Zen Center Publications:

Get your copy of Wholehearted: Slow Down, Help Out, Wake Up here:

Get your copy of Awake At The Bedside here:


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