What Does It Take To Relax Into This Moment? | Robert Chodo Campbell

“Learning how to relax is a place of practice.” 

In this vulnerable dharma talk, Sensei Chodo engages the students in the ancient art of Mondo Zen, or dialogue between teacher and pupil. He first shares a story of a classic zen teacher/student interaction and then queries: what does it take to relax into this moment as it is, and when is it just too hard? 

After Chodo shares some of his frustrations and challenges with relaxing in the moment, students share their own: from kids leaving the nest, arguments with spouses, and attempts to meditate under very uncomfortable circumstances involving skin care. 

At the time of publishing this podcast, our world is reeling in response to the uncertainty and fear of COVID-19. We, at the center, urge all to take time to practice stillness and care of ourselves and each other. Please utilize our website and podcast for meditations and dharma talks, all free to the public.

You can find out more and donate to the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care at zencare.org.


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