Online or In-Person

Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies

Innovative Graduate-Level Study of Sōtō Zen Buddhism

Emphasizing a contemporary application to living a compassionate life, the Certificate in Sōtō Zen Buddhist Studies is a unique opportunity for those who want to deepen their understanding of the Sōtō Zen tradition and apply its contemplative practices in their personal and professional lives.

1 training
In-Person and Online
2, four day residential retreats, 1 optional
July 27, 2024
June 29, 2025

about the certificate

Over 800 years ago, Dōgen Zenji, founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan, emphasized that caring for others in our everyday activities was as important as Zazen (sitting meditation).

This guiding principle was the inspiration for creating the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care (NYZC) and continues to define our mission and approach to academic training—grounded in the dharma, devoted to contemplative care.

Since 2007, NYZC’s contemplative care training has found expression through many forms, and our co-founders Chodo Robert Campbell Sensei, GC-C, and Kōshin Kyōgaku Paley Ellison Sensei, MFA, LMSW, DMIN, have trained people from all walks of life—including healthcare professionals, parents, lawyers, chaplains, artist and bankers.

NYZC’s Certificate in Sōtō Zen Buddhist Studies integrates Sōtō Zen textual study, Zazen, contemplative practice, and community-based learning.

The Certificate is Ideal For:

  • Anyone interested in either an introduction or a deeper dive into the study and practice of Sōtō Zen as a support for living a life of contemplative practice, care, and service—people of any or no tradition are welcome!
  • Existing Zen and Buddhist students (at NYZC or elsewhere) seeking to deepen their understanding of the tradition, its history and teachings through graduate-level study.
  • Those seeking a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) equivalency necessary for Board Certification in Chaplaincy. In conjunction with our 36 credit hour Master of Arts in Buddhist Spiritual Care (MABSC), the 36 credit hour certificate satisfies the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) MDiv equivalency requirements. To learn more about becoming a chaplain visit our Clinical Pastoral Education page.

New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care is also recognized by the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0192. Credits are available for some of the courses in the Certificate as well as for our Foundations in Contemplative Care training. If you are a licensed Social Worker outside of New York State, please check with your local SW Board to make sure they’ll accept these CEs.

Program Details

Certificate Overview

The Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies can be completed in as little as two years. Courses in the Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies are offered in-person or online on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. In addition to the 36 hours of coursework, students are required to attend two NYZC Sesshins (silent retreats). It is the student’s responsibility to plan out their course of study. NYZC’s staff are available for support.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies, students are:

  • Knowledgeable about the historical development of the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition, its key teachings, ethics, and practices.  
  • Equipped to translate their gained knowledge into praxis in diverse personal and professional contexts to live a life of contemplative practice, care, and service.
  • Centered in a spiritual tradition which is dynamic in its formation and open to continuing revelation.
  • Aware of their ongoing spiritual and psychological development and how it supports connected and caring interpersonal relationships.

Uses of the Certificate

Most students choose to engage in earning the certificate for personal enrichment and enjoyment. People of any or no tradition are welcome!

Existing Zen and Buddhist students (at NYZC or elsewhere) seeking to deepen their understanding of the tradition, its history, and teachings through graduate-level study may also seek to earn the Certificate as a support for living a life of contemplative practice, care, and service.

The Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies is also approved by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) to be used in conjunction with our Master of Arts in Buddhist Spiritual Care (MABSC) to fulfill the 72-credit MDiv equivalency required for Board Certification as a Buddhist chaplain. Students with another Masters and/or other graduate credits, may also use the Certificate’s courses towards fulfilling the 72-credit MDiv equivalency. It is the students responsibility to ensure that their course elections fulfill APC core requirements.

In addition, students can use some of the credit hours for professional continuing education. CEUs are available for Social Workers for some of the units. NYZC is an approved provider of SW CEs through the NYSED State Board for Social Work. Students licensed outside of New York State, should check with their local SW Board to make sure they will accept these CEs.

Program Requirements

To earn the 36-credit Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies, students complete 16 credits of Core courses, 16 credits of Electives, and 4-credit Practicum as outlined in the table below. For information about the Core and Elective courses, visit our Zen Classes page.

In addition to the 36 hours of coursework, students are required to attend two NYZC Sesshin (silent retreats) offered biannually in Winter (typically January) and Summer (typically July/August).

Disciplined study and daily practice are the cornerstones and foundations of our learning community. Students are expected to attend all required classes, complete all course work, and cultivate their daily meditation practice throughout each year.

It is the student’s responsibility to plan out their course of study. NYZC’s staff are available for support.

Courses and Subject Competency Areas

Course / Course Category
APC Area Cross Reference
Credit Hours
Catch Your Mind
Spiritual Practices - Practical Ministry
Zen Precepts
Spiritual Practices - Practical Ministry
Zen History and Practice
History of a Religious-Philosophical Tradition
Mahayana Sutra (6 available)3
Sacred-Foundational Texts
Zen Texts (Core Text Varies)
Sacred-Foundational Texts
Capstone Final Project4
Spiritual Practices-Practical Ministry
  • Note 1: NYZC students seeking the Master of Arts in Buddhist Spiritual Care in conjunction with the Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies to fulfill the APC MDiv equivalency complete Foundations in Contemplative Care and two Zen Studies courses as part of MABSC and may not include the same two Zen Studies courses to fulfill Certificate requirements. If a MABSC student completed Zen Precepts or Zen History as part of the MABSC, they are required to take additional Elective courses to fulfill the 36 hours.
  • Note 2: One course is offered each semester under either the Mahayana Sutra category or the Zen Texts category. Students elect any combination of these courses to complete the Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies program requirements.
  • Note 3: Mahayana Sutra category includes courses on the following sutras: Platform Sutra, Vimalakirti Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Diamond and Heart Sutra, Lotus Sutra.
  • Note 4: The Capstone Final Project is started sometime after the first year of study. It is a spiritual and professional formation project providing an opportunity to apply what is being learned to a student’s personal and professional life (“Zen in Everyday Life”).

Admissions & Tuition

There is no additional tuition associated with the Certificate. However, Certificate students must enroll in the required courses for credit. Audited coursework cannot be used to earn the Certificate.

Please send an email to if you are interested in earning the Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies.

Need more Information?

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