Explore our News page for the latest updates on our mission to transform care and support those in need, featuring stories and insights into our community’s impact.
Dr. Jacquelyn English, DO, MPH
Contemplative Educator Candidate
A letter from the Guiding Teachers and Board
Please join sittings a few minutes before the scheduled time, so as to be seated and settled in place before the period of zazen begins.
“Gossiping and taking sides does not take a lot of practice.”
The New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care is offering thirteen full BIPOC scholarships for the Foundations in Contemplative Care training that begins in October 2020.
To join an online session using Zoom use a desktop computer or mobile device. To join us in-person, visit us at 119 West 23rd street on the 4th floor. If you’re coming after 6pm, the door cord is 2711.
New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care now offers a daily and weekly online and in-person schedule of zazen (meditation) and dharma events. All times listed are in Eastern Time.