Grounding In Your Practice & Supporting Sangha | Jose Shinzan Palma

“I’ve been practicing for twenty years and it’s so wonderful that I’m still not sure what practice is.”

Sensei Shinzan Palma joins the NYZC sangha to deliver a dharma talk on the varying dimensions of practice. He shares his own journey in understanding what zazen means to him, navigating past delusions of his younger years. He also examines the life of practitioners, encouraging us all to forget the distinction between lay and monastic and to practice wholeheartedly wherever we find ourselves.

ZenTalk Notes:

Jose Shinzan Palma was born in Veracruz, Mexico, He is an ordained Zen priest and Dharma successor of Joan Jiko Halifax, roshi. He is the founder of the Open Gate Zen Collective in San Diego, CA. He co-teaches teen retreats in the US for IBME, and is a guest teacher at  Upaya Zen Center in New Mexico, the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, and Zen Groups in México City and Bogotá, Colombia. His vision is to continue to mentor and teach young men and women and to create a Zen Hispanic community in the USA and Mexico.

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Music: Heart Sutra by Kanho Yakushiji –  Buddhist priest and musician of the Rinzai sect and Imaji temple in Imabari, Japan. In 2003, he formed “KISSAQUO”, a songwriting duo based in Kyoto.

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