Join us for this free, online information session about the Foundations in Contemplative Care program — a nine-month training program in spiritual carepartnering offered online or in person.
Training a contemplative and spiritual care partner requires acquiring essential skills and a profound inquiry into the nature of the self, of practice, and genuine service to others.
Since 2007, New York Zen Center’s Foundations in Contemplative Care has transformed the lives of individuals from across the country and around the world by supporting the integration of spiritual practice and caregiving.
Join our online information session to learn how we adapt this renowned program to address the global distress we are now experiencing fully. Koshin Paley Ellison Sensei and Chodo Robert Campbell Sensei will discuss contemplative care-partnership’s transformative and practical aspects.
- What is the Foundations in Contemplative Care training program
- Discover if the program is a fit for you
- Hear from current students and alumni
- and much more!
This training program is designed for Buddhist or contemplative people and is appropriate for lay and professional/clinical caregivers wishing to integrate spiritual practice and care.
To read more about the Foundations in Contemplative Care training, click here.
A limited number of partial-tuition scholarships are available to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students and for those with financial need. Payment plans are also available. Please email us at to inquire about these opportunities.
P.S. Early application deadline for Foundations is now May 12th! Apply by that date and save $300 on your application fee. Space is limited and we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Note: Physicians (MD and DO), advanced practice registered nurses (nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives), and physician assistants interested in the contemplative approach to care may wish to apply for our Contemplative Medicine Fellowship program.